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Holly Phaneuf Erskine

I'm reposting an old comment for completeness sake, as I migrate from one site to another:

Tootsie said:
Oh my goodness!!!! Thank you so much for doing this!!!!! You really have no idea how much this means to me!!!!! If keeping things from my parents didn't bother me this much, I probably wouldn't even think about telling them my colors, but I think life would become a little bit easier if they knew. I am also curious who else in my family has synesthesia too. My little sister probably has synesthesia as well. I asked her a little while ago if she had colors for her letters (which by the way was ALL wrong :) ) and she told me a little later on that our last name was red. Anyways, I don't want to bother you too much so I'll just close with this: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU : D Will always be grateful for your help, Tootsie (You were close on the color, but Tootsie is more of a yellowish-orange ;) )


I tried to tell my family but they got all scared and want me to see a doctor. Sigh.

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