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Lisa Dancing-Light

Thank you for posting these wonderful articles and memories of Neva. She was my teacher in the early 90's when I sought to study A Course in Miracles with her. As luck would have it I not only studied the Progoff Journal Method with her but went on to study FOCUSING and was trained by a woman named Janet from the FOCUSING INSTITUTE. I honor her today and all the inspiration I received from her wisdom when I speak at St. Peter's of the Valley in Basalt to a Roaring Fork Insight Mediation group. Thank you Neva!❤️

Holly Phaneuf Erskine

Hi Lisa,
I recognize your name. It's popped up a lot in Neva's files, and I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to connect. I am so grateful you reached out. I was too busy with my career to take Neva's workshops! But somehow I inherited her passion for therapeutic journaling. My husband just marveled that one of my digitized diaries had, according to my computer, over a million words in it. That's nothing, I say. I've been journaling every day for decades. We write to keep people alive, as Natalie Goldberg said.
Neva was asked for her "dying words of advice" and she said "make connections." As an introvert with sensory issues, that's extra tricky, but I love throwing out these threads and seeing what sticks and what I might uncover. Maybe a gem will pop up, like you did!
I would love to know, also, if you met my mother, Neva's daughter Judy, who would have been living with Neva in the 90's at Dulce Domum. She might have been struggling at the time with the Alzheimers that claimed her life in 2021. Anyway, I'll contact you and we'll see how we can connect further. Just following Neva's instructions.

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